Energetic Profile Discovery

(4 customer reviews)




Ready to embark on a life changing discovery?

This service can be your starting point of your coaching journey if you need to get personalized directions and guidance.

Assess your energy levels via a behavioral powerful assessment tool – Energy Leadership Index (ELI)
Discover your Energetic profile with the ELI report
Understand how your energy is currently working for or against you and how to better manage it via a 90 min debrief with Yuko Deneuville as an ELI-Master Practitioner

Ce qu’on ne vous a jamais dit … pourtant ça change la vie !

Avez-vous déjà entendu parler du shift d’énergies ? Grâce à cette méthode, vous apprenez à développer votre intelligence émotionnelle
Ce qu’on ne nous a jamais dit… Pourtant, ça change la vie.
▶️ Regardez la vidéo pour en savoir plus !

What you have never been told … yet it changes your life!
What we were never told… Yet, it changes life.
Have you ever heard of the energy shift? With this method, you learn to develop your emotional intelligence
▶️ Watch the video to learn more!

4 reviews for Energetic Profile Discovery

  1. Marine

    Je ne connaissais pas du tout le terme de profil énergétique. Je connais différents tests de personnalité mais ce test est différent.
    Ce que j’apprécie dans ce test c’est que pour moi il a permis de confirmer quels étaient mes atouts et ce sur quoi je devrai encore travailler. Le rapport du test nous donne une vision assez large de notre profil énergétique. Je pense qu’il est essentiel d’avoir un debrief par un professionnel qui pourra rester neutre et nous donner beaucoup plus de détails sur les types d’énergies et ce à quoi ça correspond.
    Ce qu’il m’a le plus marqué c’est que ce test m’a vraiment bien cerné en très peu de question. Je suis repartie avec des confirmations et des remises en question sur certains points.

  2. Vicki

    I worked with Yuko on executive coaching and it was a game-changer. She administered the Energy Leadership Index assessment, and I have since used the results to help me make better decisions and approach things from a much more intentional position. Yuko’s style is also very helpful. She is easy to work with, she listens, and she provides great perspective just when you need it most. I highly recommend Yuko to any leader seeking to navigate difficult times!

  3. Wendy

    I highly recommend working with Yuko. Her empathy and openness helped me navigate and recognize the barriers that were holding me back.  With her guidance, I gained a new perspective by taking the energy leadership profile which has been so helpful to lead more with presence with intent in both my professional and personal life. She will help you recognize what you have to offer and her approach feels customized for you.

  4. Emeline

    Before starting the coaching with Yuko, I’ve always asked myself about my future, and my life in general. I was struggling, and couldn’t find the answer. However, with Yuko, I learned how to be honest to myself, and how to decide something with confidence. I have never learned such way of thinking from anyone, it was a new discovery for me. Because of Yuko’s coaching, I’m now more confident, more positive and I even find a new dream. I really recommend to talk with Yuko, if you want to change yourself, or if you want to do a challenge, or if you just want to be happy.

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