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intercultural training & life coaching
Get Your Clarity Session
Adapt to a new environment or new situation with serenity and confidence. Reconnect with your passion. Find your work/life balance.
intercultural consulting & coaching
How Can I Help You?
Do you need to prepare your team to a cross-cultural environment?
Do you need assistance while relocating or support to go through a challenging life transition?
I assist expatriates during their relocation and offer cultural awareness training and coaching to organizations and their employees. I also help women reconnect with their inner passion and find their life’s purpose, while finding a balance between their personal and professional life, especially during a life transition (new career, status, country, …).
I can coach in several languages: French, English and Japanese to help clients worldwide.
your intercultural solution is here
My Services
Intercultural Training
- Diversity and inclusion consulting services, building cultural competences, communicating across cultures, relocation consulting
- Consulting services online or face-to-face. 3 months package. 2 one hour sessions per month
- 1 or 2 days cross-cultural trainings for global companies or individuals
Life Transition Coaching
- 1-on-1 coaching
- For individuals going through a big life transition
- For women who want to find their life purpose and have a balanced /fulfilled life between their personal life and career without feeling guilty or exhausted
- Specialized in intercultural matters
- 3, 6 or 9 months package (online or face-to-face)
your life transition coach & intercultural trainer
Yuko Deneuville
Hello, bonjour,こんにちは、
I am Yuko Deneuville. I am a certified professional coach through IPEC, an accredited coaching program through the ICF, in addition to being an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP). I also own a Masters Degree in International Business.
I specialize in Life Transition Coaching for women and Cross-cultural Trainings for individuals and organizations.
As a coach, I bring intuition, curiosity, empathy, flexibility and optimism, as well as good vibes and support to any situation.
Gain confidence in yourself, nourish you dreams to live a purposeful life and become who you wanted to be.
my coaching mission
Find Serenity
Passionate about cultural differences, my mission is to help individuals and organizations across intercultural borders live better together. I also want individuals, and women expatriates in particular, to find their life’s purpose and to reach a true balance between professional and family life.
My mission is to assist individuals in adapting to any kind of transition with confidence, peace and serenity.
my coaching approach
I offer custom individual and group coaching, in person and online. I bring out the potential in a client, be it a person, couple, family, or corporation, by connecting the client’s inner purpose and passion to outer goals and strategies to attain extraordinary and sustainable results.
I also speak publicly at conferences and networking events about coaching techniques and intercultural management.
my coaching clients testimonials
People I Helped Around The Globe
Here are testimonials from my clients. I have the pleasure to help women around the globe, more particularly in France, Japan and in different States in America.
“Yuko Deneuville has valuable experience as an Intercultural Coach. During the SIETAR-USA conference of 2017, she presented a workshop on how to acclimate to any culture. Her lecture featured the 3 Vs of communication: verbal, vocal, and visual. Yuko used her experience bargaining in China as an instance of the theory at work.”
“I started working in a new country with a different culture. I was disoriented. Thanks to Yuko, I learnt a lot regarding American culture and especially in business environment. I better understood my working environment and my Manager. I gained self-confidence . Yuko is a really dynamic person and always gives her best to help her clients.”
“Highly customized approach. An ability to quickly understand any working environment thanks to her background. Yuko is really empathic, highly flexible, and represents a great support in any situation. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to broaden multicultural skills.”
consulting tips & coaching advice
From The Blog
Stay tuned for articles and videos from the blog.
5 conseils pour bien vivre un retour d’expatriation – Huffington Post
Savez-vous que le retour d'expatriation est souvent plus difficile que l'expatriation en elle-même? Mais cela va dépendre de plusieurs paramètres: les conditions d'expatriation, la durée, les enfants, le contact avec le pays d'origine, et surtout, la préparation à ce...
Accompagnement des expatriés : Pourquoi est-il encore aujourd’hui trop “léger”?
Les mois de Juin et Juillet marquent souvent plusieurs périodes clés: Le départ en expatriation ou, au contraire, la fin d’une expatriation avec le retour dans le pays d’origine ou encore le changement de destination. Où en est-on...
3 conseils pour s’intégrer quand on s’installe dans un pays étranger – Huffington Post
Forte de mes nombreuses expériences de vie à l'étranger (Asie, Europe, Etats-Unis), je sais à quel point il peut être dur de s'installer dans un nouveau pays. Avec ces quelques conseils pratiques et concrets, applicables où que vous soyez, je peux vous montrer comment...
Podcasts inspirants
Retrouvez ces podcasts, dans lesquels j'ai eu le plaisir d'être invitée pour échanger sur divers sujets différents dont mon identité avec authenticité, ma vision de la vie d'Expat, l'entrepreneuriat et ma philosophie de Vie. Il y a dans chaque épisode des clés...
The importance to cherish each relationship, each moment
In this Coaching Corner video, I wanted to share with you the importance of cherishing every relationship and each passing moment in our lives. Remember, even when these connections shape our journey, they do not always last as long as we expect, but that’s ok. No...
Papa en expatriation : ça change quoi ?
Après avoir célébré haut et fort les expats mums à l’occasion de la fête des mères française (pour celles qui ont loupé l’article c’est ici), place aux Papas. Qu’est-ce que l’expatriation a changé pour eux ? Quels sont les plus gros challenges de la paternité hors de...