
Life Transition Coaching & Cross-cultural Training

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Intercultural training

Companies testimonials


“Highly customized approach. An ability to quickly understand any working environment thanks to her background. Yuko is really empathic, highly flexible, and represents a great support in any situation. Yuko showed a high degree of accomplishment in our contract and even after the contractual period, we kept in touch to make regular follow up. I would say that “passion “is the right word to define Yuko. On top of that she has a very nice personality which makes Relationship easy and pleasant.”

Mrs. C. Ronin

HR & Change Management specialist, GE, France


“I started working in a new country with a different culture. I was disoriented. Thanks to Yuko, I learnt a lot regarding American culture and especially in business environment. I better understood my working environment and my Manager. I gained self-confidence . Yuko is a really dynamic person and always gives her best to help her clients.”

Mrs. S.

HR Coordinator, ALSTOM, NY, USA


“Yuko and I have worked together on intercultural trainings for expats and executive on American, Japanese and French cultures. We made an excellent team from the start, complementing each other’s area of expertise. Our seminar participants always leave empowered by our distinct yet relevant and powerful personal and professional experiences in all facets of global mobility, from intercultural parenthood, trailing spouse and expat employee work place adaptation and success in meeting company goals. It is a pleasure working with Yuko who is innovative, flexible yet very timely and detailed oriented.”

Mrs. P. Coleman

Intercultural trainer, FL, USA


“I had a client in Miami that was moving overseas and felt overwhelmed with the enormity of the process. I referred the couple to Yuko because she is a beautiful mix of American, French, Japanese culture. She helped my client navigate from the New World to the Old World. The wife especially had a hard time because she was a stay at home for five years and felt guilty about doing anything for herself. She wanted to get out of the house and work but felt the family needed her more. Yuko showed her that she could take care of herself, her family and feel productive at work in a new healthy balance. If you need help moving to or from Florida to another country, Yuko can help you manage the stress of the situation!”

Mr. M. Hoelscher

Relationship and Executive Coach, FL, USA


“I got in contact with Yuko before coming to the US. As the French and American cultures are very different, I needed help to know how to proceed and how to work with Americans, especially in the sales area. This was a great experience! I learnt a lot thanks to her knowledge and ability to listen to people. Yuko encouraged me with public speaking too. She doesn’t judge, she advises, which makes the things easier. She is a positive person and I highly recommend her for any projects you may have!”

Mrs. L. Mollard

Business Developer, CA, USA.

Life transition coaching

Client testimonials


“Je ne connaissais pas du tout le terme de profil énergétique. Je connais différents tests de personnalité mais ce test est différent.
Ce que j’apprécie dans ce test c’est que pour moi il a permis de confirmer quels étaient mes atouts et ce sur quoi je devrai encore travailler. Le rapport du test nous donne une vision assez large de notre profil énergétique. Je pense qu’il est essentiel d’avoir un debrief par un professionnel qui pourra rester neutre et nous donner beaucoup plus de détails sur les types d’énergies et ce à quoi ça correspond.
Ce qu’il m’a le plus marqué c’est que ce test m’a vraiment bien cerné en très peu de question. Je suis repartie avec des confirmations et des remises en question sur certains points.”

Marine G.



Arthur E.



“J’ai commencé un programme de coaching avec Yuko dans l’intention de progresser dans ma carrière professionnelle. A ce moment-là, je n’avais pas une idée précise de mon souhait de changement professionnel. Après 13 ans dans la même structure, je me suis prise en main et Yuko m’a accompagnée dans cette démarche et m’a aidé à réfléchir sur ce qui était important pour moi dans la vie. La prise de décision avec mon conjoint de déménager dans le Sud de la France est arrivée 1 mois après ma première séance de coaching et a ainsi donné les axes de travail vers la recherche d’un nouveau poste dans les 6 mois à venir. Ce coaching venait à point nommé pour se donner les chances de faire des choix personnels, « piloter son projet professionnel » permet ainsi de privilégier son épanouissement. Le coaching avec Yuko m’a aidée et m’a encouragée à m’interroger sur mes modes de fonctionnement et mes énergies. Je continue à prendre conscience de mes énergies, de les déchiffrer et les orienter pour me construire et grandir.
La gratitude est une pratique qui est devenu clé dans cette démarche de développement personnel. En complément des séances individuelles, Yuko m’a encouragé à participer à des workshops (Vision Board 2021, Live your Life), source de rencontres et d’échanges riches qui apportent beaucoup de dynamique et de sens à la démarche de développement personnel. Le travail de coaching m’a guidée dans ma recherche d’un nouveau poste, en valorisant mes expériences et mes compétences, ce qui m’a donné la confiance et la motivation à aller de l’avant. J’ai finalement trouvé un poste qui correspond à la plupart de mes souhaits d’évolution. Ce que je retiens du coaching, c’est que consacrer du temps pour son développement personnel est bénéfique pour se faire du bien et prendre du recul. Yuko m’a accompagnée sur ce chemin en m’apportant beaucoup de sérénité et de confiance en moi.”

Christine H.

Magnet Responsible Officer chez ITER


“Yuko has an extremely upbeat manner and is a very positive, open and compassionate person. I found our coaching sessions to be really helpful as they allowed me to look at my life holistically and then drill down and focus on areas I really wanted to improve on. Moreover, the sessions were tailored to my specific needs and provided lots of positive reinforcement and a framework to help me identify changes I wanted to make in both personal and professional areas of my life. Our time together was also spent on setting goals over the medium and long-term which has already proven to be very beneficial. Whether for reasons of personal development or professional advancement, I would highly recommend working with Yuko.”

Simon C.

Auteur et Interprète

COACHING Succès Infini™

Marion Guisset



I did a discovery coaching session with Yuko. She is amazing! Her ability to help me self-reflect, realize and put into words what my inner knowing was trying to tell me, and to create a safe open space to have a powerful conversation was remarkable. She is equipped with so much, from helping me with ideas in taking my business international and customs/cultural norms to be aware of, to help me stay rooted in myself. A beautiful soul with an incredible gift. Truly one of a kind!

Danielle Matthews


“I highly recommend working with Yuko. Her empathy and openness helped me navigate and recognize the barriers that were holding me back. With her guidance, I gained a new perspective by taking the energy leadership profile which has been so helpful to lead more with presence with intent in both my professional and personal life. She will help you recognize what you have to offer and her approach feels customized for you.”

Wendy Lee


“Recently, I attended the Breakfast Coaching Women “Back to school, Back to my dreams”. We worked on our Ikigai and I found it very interesting. Yuko knows how to ask the right questions to bring out the best in us. She listens and gives lots of good advice. She also created a friendly and caring atmosphere with the group. Thank you Yuko for the positive energy you share with us.”

Emilie Huyard Fauchadour


“J’ai eu la chance de rencontrer Yuko à Miami. Cette jeune femme est un coach exceptionnel. Sa force tranquille, sa sérénité et son humour vous feront déplacer des montagnes. Je recommande vivement les services de son entreprise Yuko Deneuville coaching. Yuko représente la joie de vivre, Ikigai en japonais.”

Lorelei Zarifian


“Before starting the coaching with Yuko, I’ve always asked myself about my future, and my life in general. I was struggling, and couldn’t find the answer. However, with Yuko, I learned how to be honest to myself, and how to decide something with confidence. I have never learned such way of thinking from anyone, it was a new discovery for me. Because of Yuko’s coaching, I’m now more confident, more positive and I even find a new dream.
I really recommend to talk with Yuko, if you want to change yourself, or if you want to do a challenge, or if you just want to be happy. Thank you Yuko for a pleasant moment, I’ll definitely call on you again, if i need to overcome a new ordeal.”

Emeline Dubois


J’ai réalisé un coaching avec Yuko sur une période de 3 mois. L’idée était de m’aider à décoder les clés du marché du travail américain, identifier comment inscrire mes compétences dans ce contexte et me permettre de trouver un travail épanouissant pour moi, professionnellement et personnellement. Yuko m’a aidée à analyser mon parcours de vie et à voir comment il était intimement lié à mon caractère et mes motivations d’aujourd’hui. L’approche de Yuko est basée sur l’écoute et le développement personnel : son oreille, son analyse, son expérience et son professionnalisme m’ont permis, à la fin du coaching de signer un contrat de travail pour un poste qui correspond à mes compétences et à mes envies. Grâce à Yuko, je sais aujourd’hui quelles sont les bonnes questions à me poser, dans ma vie personnelle et ma vie professionnelle. Je la  recommande sans réserve !


Senior Engineering Project Management


“Thank you so much, Yuko-san. Some wonderful reframing. Feeling less stuck and more flow, less loss and more regaining of myself. So important.”

Sue Shinomiya

Global Leadership Development and Cultural Fluency Consultant, Trainer, Facilitator


“Thank you so much Yuko. This coaching experience was beyond my expectations. Most of the time, I never had a specific topic to work on and yet I always got out from our calls feeling much better. It was only during 2 months, I wish we could continue but I can say I got exponential value from it.”

Senior Manager

Fortune global 500 company providing professional services in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations


“Thanks to Yuko’s coaching, I am more fulfilled and better organized. Now, I dare talking to Americans even if my English is still not perfect. I less rely on my husband and can handle administrative tasks on my own. I gained self-confidence.”

Mrs. A. Hoarau

Accompanying spouse, NY, USA


“I was contemplating how to navigate a new independent job, in a new country and I found Yuko. Throughout our sessions she was warm, patient and incredible at getting me to think through different ways to address my goals and coming up with practical suggestions that have helped move me forward in concrete ways. Yuko is an amazing life coach who clearly enjoys what she does and I recommend her highly.” 

Mrs. A. Boyer

Realtor and Business Owner, FL, USA


“Yuko helped to get clarity about what I need to do and what has been holding me back to move forward. She helped me to improve my point of view that has freed me from the burden of selling. She inspired me by helping me recognize that there is a better perspective. Her multicultural background helped me to connect with her with trust as I felt she really understood my challenges. I highly recommend working with Yuko when you are in transition or looking to live your life with more impact beyond the family life. Yuko, you are an inspirational coach and would consider it an honor to work with you again. Thank you!” 

Mrs. C. Birk

Leadership Coach, FL, USA

Public Speaking

Conferences, Webinars and Workshops on cross-cultural and wellness topics


“Yuko Deneuville has valuable experience as an Intercultural Coach. During the SIETAR-USA conference of 2017, she presented a workshop on how to acclimate to any culture. Her lecture featured the 3 Vs of communication: verbal, vocal, and visual. Yuko used her experience bargaining in China as an instance of the theory at work.”

Ms. E. Quaye

English Teacher, EF English First, China

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